Transition Planning


Students have access to a wide variety of transition planning activities during their time at Parker Academy. Whether seeking another private school, postsecondary education or an immediate transition to the work world, Parker Academy will help families in choosing the next appropriate placement for their son or daughter. Given the small unique nature of Parker Academy, we expect to take an active role in helping students take the next step, as well as engage in long-term planning.

Students who wish to explore a career field in some depth while in high school may have the opportunity to participate in vocational classes through their sending school district. If students intend to enter the workforce directly after high school, we assist them in preparing for their career choice by arranging internships at local businesses, resume writing, and practicing for job interviews. If a student requires more assistance, Parker Academy facilitates the connection between vocational rehabilitation organizations and the student.

In preparing for postsecondary education, students can take advantage of our comprehensive SAT/ACT preparation course to optimize their potential when taking the exam. Each student will also meet with a school counselor to plan postsecondary education options and be guided through the application process. Parker Academy staff can help facilitate visits to schools and other programs as needed. Our school counselor will also include parents in this process to guide them through what can be an arduous experience. Parents are encouraged to attend evening workshops offered by Parker Academy on topics such as financial aid and college planning.